The Practical Philosopher's Blog

Using the practical application of timeless wisdom to address modern issues

Liberals See Big Government as Their Spouse

Its not “Men are from Mars and women are from Venus”.  It’s “Married people from the Republican party and unmarried people are from the Democrat party”.

In this election season (and many past), married people strongly support Republican presidential candidates and unmarried people support Democrat party presidential candidates.

This was captured in a recent Gallup poll entitled: “Married Voters Strongly Back Romney“. The byline is “Marital status is strong predictor of voting behavior”. There are a couple of points about this poll that are very interesting and should be alarming to people looking toward our next four years of Presidential leadership.

1. The trend isn’t about Romney. If you review the last several election cycles, you will see this apples to the Republican party. One party has become the party that supports the interests of those that take the crucial path of getting married and best raising our next generation. The other has become the anti-marriage party that supports a broken/incomplete/alternate/none-at-all concept of family.

2. What does it say about the Democrat party that people who are not married strongly support them? It should be alarming to normal people who are Democrats that they have a party with an interest in growing dependency and anti-marriage.  The Democrat party pours money (“compassionately”) onto single mothers and can’t see how that breeds welfare queens and greater welfare dependency. They want to dissolve the objective concept of marriage between a man and a woman at both the Federal and State level and don’t get why married people don’t vote for them. The black community, arguably the most core Democrat constituency has the worst level of broken families/lowest marriage percentages and the greatest dependency on Government. The list goes on.

The bottom line is that all people need a stable family unit to best find personal happiness and  raise children. Republicans get this and support policies that people have collectively judged to be beneficial to this foundation of our society. They marry other private citizens. Liberals, with all their anti-family rhetoric and ideas, see the Government, and not family and marriage, as their benefactor/protector/enabler and are instead accepting the Government as their spouse- a losing proposition.

Vote for a better society that supports, not undermines marriage. Vote for Mitt Romney in November.

Filed under: Culture, Politics, , , , , , , ,

Common Sense Health Care Solutions

Here is an excellent YouTube articulation of my own postings on the simple solution for health care- the free market:

How to Fix Health Care: Lasik Surgery For The Medical Debate

Interestingly, Lasik eye surgery is not covered by insurance and is completely a free market offering. Over the last 18 years, it has gotten cheaper, the care around delivery is driven to be excellent to get customers, and the technology has gotten better.

Contrast this with the increasingly government-controlled or health ‘insurance’ distorted current health market. Prices are sprialing out of control and quality is falling.

Do we need to send one or more generations back to school to learn the basics of free market economics that drive the majority of the rest of our prosperity (food, clothing, shelter)?

At the base of it, there is a lack of understanding of human nature (read: lack of wisdom) and how the free market unleashes the most good for the most people by matching up with the reality of individual human nature.

Filed under: Economy, Health Care, Philosophy, Politics, , , , , , , , , ,

Obama Gets Schooled

President Obama has run smack into the checks and balances that protect a democracy from tyrannical behavior by the government. The frightening thing is that the White House seems baffled by the ‘resistance’ that their actions have provoked.

The Political Myth: The President was going to merely exhort the youth of America to well in school. Those parents that don’t want their children to hear this speech are hyper-partisans and fringe lunatics.

The Facts: The President was not just doing a speech. The White House was originally going to send out ‘lesson plans’ through the US Education Department to our children. The Washington Times  actually covers what the government was trying to do before the Main Stream Media white-washed the coverage into the political myth-statement above:

Among the activities the government initially suggested for prekindergarten to sixth-grade students: that they “write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president.” Another task recommended for students immediately after listening to the speech: to engage in a discussion about what “the president wants us to do.”

Why in the heck would President of the United States be trying to give out lesson plans to our schools?! This is something you’d expect in a third world dictatorship. My children DO NOT need to thinking about what they can do for a far left socialist like Obama. They need to thinking about what they can do for THEMSELVES as far as reading, writing, and math. Other presidents have addressed school kids, but did not send them propaganda packets to fill out like Obama.

Besides the appearance of propagandizing America’s youth and disrupting the first day of school, the White House throws gas on this fire by trying to bypass our elected school boards and go straight to school principals! Unbelieveable. If you have nothing to hide, way the end-run around the elected education boards and processes in place for this sort of material? And they are baffled as to why parents are upset about this approach! Here’s a summary of this issue by the American Daughter Blog:

 Ignoring school superintendents, Obama wrote to school principals announcing his forthcoming speech to school children. This is a serious breach of protocol. All communications should be routed through the Superintendent of Schools for each district. 

Not only was this bad manners bigtime, it has implications for states’ rights and local rights that go far beyond the one event. School districts are overseen by a School Board, usually elected by the citizens of the district. Voters expect that board to ensure an education that reflects their values and goals for their children.

If you don’t believe the blog, go and Google the Dept of Education’s statement on this fiasco. Note that it is listed as going directly to principals:


Filed under: Education, Politics, , , , , , , , ,

May 2024