The Practical Philosopher's Blog

Using the practical application of timeless wisdom to address modern issues

The President is Dishonest on the Reality of our Looming Energy Crisis

Hating the prosperity and independence that technology has brought our society and its ever-growing energy needs, the President has been dishonest with facts concerning what we could do- what HE could do- to avert a looming US energy crisis. The easy, common-sense answer is to radically ramp up access to our abundant, existing resources, both short and long term.

The first myth (nicer than saying ‘Lie’) is that we only have a small fraction of oil reserves and we should just get used to being at the mercy of primitive, volatile foreign regimes:

Fact-Checking President Obama’s Energy Press Conference

American Solutions has a summary of what President Obama said yesterday as it relates to energy issues, along with what they call Obama’s “three biggest myths”: 

“We can’t escape the fact that we control only 2% of the world’s oil.” This is a common refrain among anti-drilling Democrats and environmentalists, and it’s repeated enough that many people accept it as true. In reality, it’s 100% false. The number comes from a highly conservative estimate from the Energy Information Administration totaling America’s proven reserves where we are already drilling. It does not include the 10 billion barrels available in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It does not include most of the 86 billion barrels available offshore in the Outer Continental Shelf, most of which President Obama has placed under an executive drilling ban. And it does not include the 800 billion barrels of oil we have locked in shale in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Those shale resources alone are actually three times larger than the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia, so the claim that the U.S. only has 2% of the world’s oil is clearly false.

While the President stays in lock-step with the Big Environment/Green Zealot groups, we are in grave danger. Their anti-prosperity, anti-energy approach of  ‘no-energy, no-way, from-no-where’, will continue a race towards a whole scale failure of our energy grid and our society.

If we want to live like primitive savages with the lower life expancies and the lower standards of living in third world countries, we are on the right path. If we’d rather prosper like we have since the beginning of this great nation, then the President and those like him that want to unravel our country must go.

Filed under: Energy, Environment, Middle East, Politics, , , , , , , ,

High Gas Prices have always been part of the Green Agenda

Obama has said it on record many times. Numerous green advocates in his administration have said it as well:

While the head of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, Chu (Steven Chu- now Obama Energy Secretary), told The Wall Street Journal that energy prices were the lynchpin to an energy overhaul. “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” Chu said in September 2008.

Then the public will conform to central command and get off that pesky, cheap, prosperity-driving fuel source called oil. 

The only problem with the ‘Green’ Agenda is that:

A: It does not work or deliver anything usable at a reasonable price.

B: It can only be afforded/indulged in by the wealthy, dual-income couples, or empty nesters at the height of their earning curve.

C: It most harms the poor and will cause them, and the economy in general, great suffering before we achieve any significant green ‘transformation’ (read this as a regression to a third world or primitive standard of living) of our society.

Why is our national leader, the President (and his administration), not pulling out the stops to jumpstart domestic energy production and start reducing our vulnerability to backwards Middle Eastern regimes and the chance of war? This is the reason. Welcome to the green revolution.

Filed under: Economy, Energy, Environment, Middle East, Politics, , , , , , , , ,

Reason #3 Why the Teacher’s Unions are Wrong

The WI bill is NOT about first responders. They are excluded.

The WI bill is NOT about all union collective bargaining, but instead targets the largest of the unsustainable financial liabilities for states- a problem specifically created by unions: Healthcare benefit plans/insurance/subsidies and Pension plans. Wage bargaining is not touched.

None of the above has gotten in the way of union representatives misrepresenting these facts in on-the-record statements as they demagogue unionized protesters and lie to the state of WI. They have an unaccountable and persvasive power they want to keep. It does not matter if what they do causes long term harm to education, the state, and is financially unsustainable.

Unions have no place in a free market and free country like the US.

Filed under: Economy, Education, Politics, , , , , , ,

Reason #2 Why the Teacher’s Union is Wrong

It’s not about teachers, it’s about unions. What’s at stake is their power to take money and exercise conflict-of-interest political clout for the Democrat party.

Here’s an interesting excerpt on why government worker unions should be illegal:

Traditional, private-sector unions were born out of an often-bloody adversarial relationship between labor and management. It’s been said that during World War I, U.S. soldiers had better odds of surviving on the front lines than miners did in West Virginia coal mines. Mine disasters were frequent; hazardous conditions were the norm. In 1907, the Monongah mine explosion claimed the lives of 362 West Virginia miners. Day-to-day life often resembled serfdom, with management controlling vast swaths of the miners’ lives. Before unionization and many New Deal–era reforms, Washington had little power to reform conditions by legislation.

Government unions have no such narrative on their side. Do you recall the Great DMV Cave-in of 1959? How about the travails of second-grade teachers recounted in Upton Sinclair’s famous schoolhouse sequel to The Jungle? No? Don’t feel bad, because no such horror stories exist.

Government workers were making good salaries in 1962 when President Kennedy lifted, by executive order (so much for democracy), the federal ban on government unions. Civil-service regulations and similar laws had guaranteed good working conditions for generations.

The argument for public unionization wasn’t moral, economic, or intellectual. It was rankly political.

More money appears to be spent on political activity than is spent on the very rank-and-file workers unions purport to support.

Filed under: Economy, Education, Politics, , , , , , , ,

Reason #1 Why the Teacher’s Unions are Wrong

The protesters do not resemble those seeking freedom in Egypt.

They most closely resemble the small, pro-despot (Mubarak) loyalists that seek to keep their unrealistic, government privileges that the majority does NOT enjoy.

The fact that the states are unable to pay for their unsustainable, centrally planned benefits and pensions? Not their problem, apparently.  They should instead send solidarity messages to Greece and it’s government ‘workers’ that collapsed that economy with rapacious and unsustainable government spending.

Filed under: Economy, Education, Politics, , , , , , , ,

March 2011