The Practical Philosopher's Blog

Using the practical application of timeless wisdom to address modern issues

The President is Dishonest on the Reality of our Looming Energy Crisis

Hating the prosperity and independence that technology has brought our society and its ever-growing energy needs, the President has been dishonest with facts concerning what we could do- what HE could do- to avert a looming US energy crisis. The easy, common-sense answer is to radically ramp up access to our abundant, existing resources, both short and long term.

The first myth (nicer than saying ‘Lie’) is that we only have a small fraction of oil reserves and we should just get used to being at the mercy of primitive, volatile foreign regimes:

Fact-Checking President Obama’s Energy Press Conference

American Solutions has a summary of what President Obama said yesterday as it relates to energy issues, along with what they call Obama’s “three biggest myths”: 

“We can’t escape the fact that we control only 2% of the world’s oil.” This is a common refrain among anti-drilling Democrats and environmentalists, and it’s repeated enough that many people accept it as true. In reality, it’s 100% false. The number comes from a highly conservative estimate from the Energy Information Administration totaling America’s proven reserves where we are already drilling. It does not include the 10 billion barrels available in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It does not include most of the 86 billion barrels available offshore in the Outer Continental Shelf, most of which President Obama has placed under an executive drilling ban. And it does not include the 800 billion barrels of oil we have locked in shale in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Those shale resources alone are actually three times larger than the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia, so the claim that the U.S. only has 2% of the world’s oil is clearly false.

While the President stays in lock-step with the Big Environment/Green Zealot groups, we are in grave danger. Their anti-prosperity, anti-energy approach of  ‘no-energy, no-way, from-no-where’, will continue a race towards a whole scale failure of our energy grid and our society.

If we want to live like primitive savages with the lower life expancies and the lower standards of living in third world countries, we are on the right path. If we’d rather prosper like we have since the beginning of this great nation, then the President and those like him that want to unravel our country must go.

Filed under: Energy, Environment, Middle East, Politics, , , , , , , ,

High Gas Prices have always been part of the Green Agenda

Obama has said it on record many times. Numerous green advocates in his administration have said it as well:

While the head of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, Chu (Steven Chu- now Obama Energy Secretary), told The Wall Street Journal that energy prices were the lynchpin to an energy overhaul. “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” Chu said in September 2008.

Then the public will conform to central command and get off that pesky, cheap, prosperity-driving fuel source called oil. 

The only problem with the ‘Green’ Agenda is that:

A: It does not work or deliver anything usable at a reasonable price.

B: It can only be afforded/indulged in by the wealthy, dual-income couples, or empty nesters at the height of their earning curve.

C: It most harms the poor and will cause them, and the economy in general, great suffering before we achieve any significant green ‘transformation’ (read this as a regression to a third world or primitive standard of living) of our society.

Why is our national leader, the President (and his administration), not pulling out the stops to jumpstart domestic energy production and start reducing our vulnerability to backwards Middle Eastern regimes and the chance of war? This is the reason. Welcome to the green revolution.

Filed under: Economy, Energy, Environment, Middle East, Politics, , , , , , , , ,

Where’s the President’s Support for America?

Scenario 1: An Islamic project that is legal, but socially insensitive to Americans
An Islamic mosque is proposed to be built nearly on top of ground zero of the Islamic terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. An attack that killed more Americans in a single incident than any other point since World War 2. A large percentage of Americans both locally and nationally are upset and against the proposed 13 story building. They see it as a slap in the face to the victims and other see it as a propaganda symbol for Islamic extremists and terrorists globally.

As the conversation progresses, it is clarified that it is not a question of legality, but of one of prudence and social sensitivity.

The President dances around the topic making a statement about the legality, but he literally says “…I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there [Ground Zero].”

Scenario 2: An American event that is legal, but socially insensitive to worshipers of Islam
A nobody preacher goes public saying that he’s going to burn Korans. When ever a perceived slight of this religion arises from the West, riots and death threats are issued from Islamic groups all over the world. This could also increase violence in areas with Islamic influence where our troops are deployed.

It is not a question of legality but one of prudence and social sensitivity.

This time, the President and his appointed representatives fall all over themselves to make statements pleading for tolerance (social/cultural sensitivity) by this pastor and Americans against the burning of Korans.

Our President is an utter failure on this issue as a leader of America and Americans. He can immediately issue statements recognizing the social insensitivities for foreigners in the Middle East, but just cannot bring himself to the same statements supporting his own people!

It’s like he’s a leader for the Middle East not America. It’s like he’s a supporter of Islam and not Christianity. Bottomline: it’s like he’s anti-American, which is mind boggling to consider in the office of the President of the United States.

We need to stand up and show our outrage at this abandonment of leadership and America come this November to this President and those in Congress that support this anti-American worldview.

Filed under: Culture, Middle East, Politics, Religion, , , , , , , ,

The Media Unleashes Its Anti-Semitic Bias on Israel- Again

The headline title in the Minneapolis Star Tribune this past Sunday was “Israel Unleashes Firestorm on Gaza.” The bias inherent in this title is simply mind-boggling.


The objective scenario: A brutal group of militants in one state declare that the entire people in a nearby stable and prosperous democratic state do not have the right to exist and vow to kill them all. This is the definition of Genocide- international war crime number one.


They (the brutal militants) fire high-explosive missiles in unprovoked attacks, year after year, to indiscriminately kill civilians in the other state- international war crime number two.


They (the brutal militants) hide amongst innocent civilians of their own people to make these military attacks- war crime number three.


Then when the attacked victim state finally, after years of withdrawals and attempts to negotiate, attack in force to kill their attackers, they are wrongly labeled as the aggressors and killers of the other state’s civilians.


A media outlet publishing the above headline and large photos showing nothing but injured Palestinians blatantly distorts the reality of the situation, shows a profound morally confusion, and a lack of American values.


The Hamas militants got exactly what they had coming. They are primitive cowards and properly designated as terrorists. The Palestinians should be turning their wrath on Hamas for using them as human shields.


The largest paper in Minnesota should be embarrassed by running this article. But then again, The New York Times contributed/provided some or all of the article content, so we should not be surprised at the anti-semetic bias and moral confusion.

Filed under: Middle East, Minneapolis Star Tribune, , , , , , ,

May 2024