The Practical Philosopher's Blog

Using the practical application of timeless wisdom to address modern issues

Obama- A Man Permanently Out of Step with America

I’ve seen a bizarre pattern where our (younger) President embraces and proposes the failed theories and mis-learnings of past eras that were before his time. He espouses failed collectivist theories of the 20’s and 30’s as well as a desire to be a modern-day John F. Kennedy (who was also young and lacking experience). Obama wasn’t around in the 1920’s or 1930’s and was only between 4 and 7 years old when Kennedy was president.


When the President sought to rally our nation with a “This is our generation’s Sputnik moment,” in his 2011 State of the Union address, I had to wonder: ‘who was he talking to?’ It certainly wasn’t ‘our generation.’ Who today feels an emotional impact from that statement- if they even get the reference? Did a 70 year old write the state of the union address?


I’m 44 and the ‘Sputnik Moment’ occurred 10 years before I was even born. This would be the same for someone who was 54 (born that year) and likely lost on anyone who was 10 years old or younger. That would put you at retirement age! And honestly, adults in their 20’s and older would be the ones that really reacted to, and did something about that with our own space program and moon landing in 1969.


If you were 20 in 1957, you’d be 74 this year. If you are younger than that, the Sputnik Moment is only an intellectual footnote in history to you. For most, it was likely a moment of blank faces and puzzlement.


Our country will be saved, revitalized, and restored by the present working class of our country: 18 to 64 years of age. Like with all the major themes of his collectivist and utopian presidency, Obama is just fundamentally out of touch with the reality of our American experience that is happening today.

Filed under: American Values, Business, Politics, , , , , , , , ,

Will Obama Get it? Pre-SOTU Comments

Will Obama get that the country’s private sector, free market economy is held back by his collectivist attitude and policies or will our rookie President continue to run the most anti-business, anti-American values administration in recent history?

My guess is he won’t get it. Unless his rigid adherence to discredited collectivist ideas changes, he will still push to spend more (grow the government) and use the government to ‘create’ (or save) jobs like he has been unsuccessfully doing now for 2 years.

Pundits suggest (I think accurately) that he will talk a good game of going to the center, but will not do anything of substance to back it up- just like the campaign rhetoric that got him elected. They say he will use focus-group tested political marketing for the mentally dim like ‘investment’ instead of spending and tie these distorting terms to feel-good topics like education or jobs. So, if we hear tonight that we need to ‘invest’ in our schools and jobs for our economy to grow, we’ve just gotten more rhetorical blather to cover up that he will try the same failed approaches again and hope for a different outcome.

Reality and human nature are such harsh courts of appeal when it comes to collectivist and utopian theories. I wonder how many repetitions it takes before the outcome not matching the theory shows that certain theories don’t work? You don’t need to be smart to get this- you need to be wise.

The big question is: Will our book-smart and world-dumb President finally grow in wisdom? Will he finally start to support American founding values like smaller central government, individual liberties and freedoms, and get government out of the way so our private, free market will function again?

While he threatens us with whole-scale ‘transformation’ to the fascism of collectivism and the degradation of individual effort and reward, we will go nowhere economically and socially.

Filed under: American Values, Business, Economy, Philosophy, Politics, , , , , , , , , , ,

January 2011